Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Lightning Strikes!

Joe and I took advantage of our joint day off on Monday and went to check out Table Rock. It's a gorgeous (and steep) mile hike up to the top of a mountain where the views are INCREDIBLE! Unfortunately, it rained most of the hike and as you can see from the pictures, our visibility was limited, but it was awesome nonetheless.

(one of the views hiking up)
(Sam taking in the view)
Joe and I packed lunch for ourselves which we ate in the car at the trailhead while we waited for the rain to subside.  There were a few rolls of thunder and some sprinkles while we hiked up, but nothing major.  As soon as we got to the top it started to downpour on us. 
(Caught in the rain)
The rain came down so hard that we hiked down a few steps where we could find some shelter underneath an overhanging rock. 
(Sam taking a drink from the rain)
(Waiting for it to dry up, so we could go back up to the top)
The cool thing about the rain storms here is that they come in out of nowhere and leave just as quickly.  We decided to head back up to the top as soon as the rain cleared to check it out some more.

(The view from the top)
I was checking out the view & out of nowhere lightning struck uncomfortably close to where we were. I immediately yelled for Joe and we began to hightail it outta there. Before we could get down to shelter another lightning bolt struck and we hit the deck. As soon as the thunder boomed we started running down the trail to get into the brush (much safer than the top of a mountain).  Both of us could feel the electricity rush through our bodies from the lightning. It was one of the most intense hiking experiences I've ever had and I'm happy to never be on top of a mountain with lightning again!

Lucky for us the weather cleared and we had a pleasant hike down - lightning free! If time permits we'd like to go check it out again on a sunny day.

Hope all is well in everyones corners of the world!

With Love from the South,

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